Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pregnancy After The Pill More Condition_symptoms When After The Morning After Pill Should A Pregnancy Test Be Taken?

When after the morning after pill should a pregnancy test be taken? - pregnancy after the pill more condition_symptoms

I had an unfortunate incident occur on Halloween day, which I carried under the "morning-after pill". I am very nervous. The doctor told me to make my time in a few days, but not. I took the pill on Saturday and I am concerned. In any case, my question is if I take a pregnancy test?


Hoping for the Best said...

You may not get the right result make a pregnancy test until you are too late for the actual duration. The "morning-after pill" has not your time to come, I know, I had one. Your time comes only when he must. So expect to see when you arrive on time, it is believed, and if not.

Desire said...

It must now have begun. It only takes up to 48 hours normally. You go to your doctor again, because the pill would affect the results of your pregnancy test, and has not yet started your period, you may be pregnant, so I go to the papers anyway. Good luck. If you do not go to the doctor until the end of the week. But if you do not have the time you were expected to have been what the test results, go to the doctor! I am 35 weeks pregnant, and I took 3 Pregnancy tests after 2 hours and all were negative, so I think my body was still rare, as happened before, and then I was not pregnant.

djGunit6... said...

IV, the "pill had followed" a few times, but try not to stress if others took from 72 hours after the incident .. uh unfornunate Working for a probability of 99%, UR clear enough ... . As for the pregnancy test, wait one or two weeks at least ..
Try not to worry just keep ur head kx

jackie said...

If I you I'd take you to, if I do not think pregnant women, but only if you have a B / C, but not always, is anxious that works with your body when I say that you only where

Tia Marie D said...

I had my time will come in a few days and I am not pregnant. I took the pill for a long period. You should pass the test 3 days before the day of the period which would normally get each month.

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