Does Obama show a pattern of skirting the rules for others, truth of his own background & voting records? - pattern of bunion
If it affects the title of your weight for the presidency? Who is Obama's political favors in return for professional support and financial support?
Because of its past (present and past would not matter) does not pass a background check by the FBI, a bodyguard of the President!
It would not be able to can a security clearance in secret DoD (Department of Defense)-work projects are funded, but the commander and chief! Something is clearly wrong in the rating process.
He chose his path when he partnerships with the private sector and the radical wing of religious ... how can it be seen as presidential material, I do. I think people are so filled with the current situation of the nose, that this is to ignore, but it shows irresponsibility for the future of our country. I hope that people start waking up on election day ...
About SHE in. .. between the terrorists by his brother, half-brother in China and is waiting for pork spending, the chief religious anti-Americans, who together with Ayers, who participate in the acorn, and for the rape and far exceeds the cost limit should go to Field The funds may not be executed. The signs of this adjustment is absolutely appalling.
Hillary should take his place, because it close to the line.
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