Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To Masterbat For Girls Is Masterbation Bad For Health For Men? What Are The Side Effects, At What Age Is It Normal To Begin Masterbat

Is Masterbation bad for health for men? what are the side effects, at what age is it normal to begin masterbat - how to masterbat for girls

Why do men masterbate? It is a mental illness? or normal?
and if, as a percent of men are affected?
and if a woman masterbate?
If so, at what age should I start?


calcdffi... said...

yes .... including masturbating 3-4 times per day ... You feel very tired and is bad for you. If you are not too much of the good.

Once or twice a week, but it is perfectly healthy and normal. The men and women masturbate. Typically, most people begin to be in the age group 11-13 years old. Masturbation really helps to reduce stress. But most of masturbation can cause some negative impact and fatigue. People masturbate for various reasons, with the largest, because it feels good.

A national survey found 95 percent of men and 89 percent of women have masturbated.

Hope this helps.

scott g said...

masterbation is the safest sex you'll ever increasingly tight have.and sex

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